Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Complaints Against King George III

Ten complaints restated in my own words that I feel are important are...

1. King George III doesn't obey the very laws he put into place.

2. The King is very manipulative and doesn't allow the Governors to pass laws that are essential.

3. The King bereaves his people from being represented in the Legislature. Only specific people are granted this privilege, specifically those who obtain power. 

4. King George III has attempted to make it so that the colonies don't have many people; he has tried to make it so that the colonies can't gain anymore people population wise. 

5. He has made it so that the judges are, in a sense, "wrapped around his finger" as their jobs and wages depend on it. 

6. The military relies on what the king says and not what the people say. 

7.  He has gone against the colonies and declared that he will no longer protect them. 

8. King George III used their(the colonists) resources, scavenged their property, and infringed on the lives of their people. 

9. Those seized by the British out on Sea were forced to then fight for the British. 

10. The King inspired Native Americans to go against the colonists.
Image result for king george III memes

Why did you choose these complaints? How are they still relevant in today's society?

       I chose the complaints above because they not only show just how terrible King George III was, but they also show some of the reasons why colonists decided to make America independent. For example, the King would criticize those who didn't obey the laws and then would turn around and disobey them himself, that's like complaining about how bad gossiping is and then running to your best friend to update them on the latest Kardashian scandal. The King also bent the rules of government so that they would work to his benefit. Many officials and even the military were controlled by the King and the people had no say on what was being done. The King then made it so that, well, tried to make it so that the colonists couldn't gain anymore people. 

        These are still relevant today for a few reasons. First, everyone is hypocritical at some point. Whether it's a government official or a couch potato claiming their partner is lazy, everyone does it. Second, manipulation is still very prevalent. Many people use others to get what they want and don't really seem to care about how it affects everyone else. Third, aware or unaware, many people try make people pick sides. A really good example of this is the 2016 presidential elections. The candidates will dig up anything they can find just to make the other person seem bad and get people on their side.
Image result for threw tea into the harbor because they wanted liber-tea

How did this establish a "sense of identity" for the thirteen colonies?

        A "sense of identity" was established for the colonies because they were finally independent. The King no longer dictated everything that happened and America could make it's own laws and didn't have to obey the British anymore. With that said, this helped the nation figure out just what they were and exactly what the wanted. It is really hard to find yourself when you have someone else controlling you and telling you exactly how to act. Of course it wouldn't be easy, but this was a huge step that made America what it is today.

Image result for murica meme

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